The Great Swiss Trilogy – 7-12-15
As I have said before, one of the things that bothers and amazes about cheese is the limitless variables that affect the final product. I decided that since the cheese I had the most success with was Swiss, I should test using that recipe using 3 different milks but the same process and recipe. Today’s cheese was Swiss using #cozyCows milk. This will be the third Swiss that I have made in a month’s time. The first was cheap cow’s milk from the grocery, second raw goat milk and the third good non-homogenized cow’s milk from Cozy Cow Dairy.
I’m happy to say that we are well on our way to completing the test. The last wheel is in the brine for a few more hours before it will go on the shelf for a couple weeks.
My general process for the swiss has been to leave it out on a shelf in my basement for 3 weeks and then wax and fridge until we eat it. The very first time back in January, it was a 3 gallon batch with 2 cows and one sheep and it began to crack from dryness, so I waxed it once I realized that was happening. This cheese turned out very well even though I had no idea what I was doing, so why not try to repeat it.
The first of our trilogy, the 2 gallon cow’s milk batch was looking a little dry but also had some mold. I have been wiping every few days with brine solution to keep the mold down. It has been waxed and is now happy in the fridge. The second wheel has been sitting for 2 weeks and looks a little dry, but very bulgy so I may wax it very soon. It has bulged enough so that I think the eyes will turn out very well.
I’ll keep you posted on the third wheel as it progresses toward the fridge.
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