Is the baby Gouda cute?

Gouda is a Dutch yellow cheese made from cow’s milk. It is named after the city of Gouda in the Netherlands. I don’t eat a lot of Gouda, but I generally like it and it is often found waxed in the red wax I use for most of my cheese. This batch was from the Gouda recipe on Cheesemaking.com.

The recipe does say that you can wash it  with beer or add spices to the mix.

It was made from a couple gallons of king soopers milk.  Gouda is a washed curd  cheese, so after the curd has been cut and stirred, a third of whey is drained off and replaced with 1/3 with hot water(98°-102°) and stirred more.


  •  MA4002 – 1/8 tsp
  • 1/2 tsp Calcium Chloride
  • 1/8 tsp lipase
  • 1/4 tsp double strength microbial rennet

Brining: When it came time to press the curds I decided to make 2 wheels of different sizes and vary the brining time. 1/2 lbs wheel got only 2 hours of brine while the 2pound wheel was brined for 8.5 hrs.

These were waxed right after brining. The aging is 2-6 month, so May-December we should be eating these.

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