
July 9th 2020
Making Butterkase for the first time for a facebook challenge. I am using Cheesemaking.com recipe with changes for my raw milk.
Remade in 2 gallon batches September 7th, 12th, November 1st(2 goat, 2 cow)

4 Gallons of Raw Milk
1/4 tsp. Flora Danica Culture
1/4 tsp. Thermophilic Culture TA61
1/64 tsp Geotrichum Candidum
just under 1 tsp Liquid Rennet

1. Heat milk to 86
2. Add Cultures wait 2 mins to re-hydrate
3. Mix milk and culture in an up and down motion
4. Wait 45-60 minutes(I set timer for 45 mins)
5. Return to heat, heat till 104, slowly over 15 minutes.
6. Add Rennet, stir
7. Wait for 20-25 minutes for clean break.
8. Cut curd in 2″ sections in both directions on the surface, rest for 5 minutes
9. Use spoon to cut curd vertically in 1/2 in section
10. Continue stirring 10 minutes.
11. Stirring the curds gently for 10 minutes
12. Allow the curds to settle to the bottom
13. Remove 50% of the whey
14. Add the same amount of water back at 104-106°F
15. Stir gently for 30 to 45 min
16. Allow the curds to settle to the bottom
17. Remove whey again down to about 1 inch above the curd
18. Transfer the curd along with the whey to your form, lightly compacting it as you fill.
19. Press under own cheese weight for 15 minutes, flip
20. Press under 6lbs for 1 hr. Flip every hour for next couple hours to close rind.
Can go up to 15lbs or more to close the rind.
21. Continue to flip for a few hours and press over-night
22. Brine for 6 hr. (for 2lb wheel brined for 5 hours )
23. Remove from press and air dry for a few days
24. Age

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